Baza wiedzy

How can I change the language of application?

Opublikowany: 2021-07-29 20:35
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2021-12-23 13:51
ilość odwiedzin posta: 207

Step 1. In the upper left corner of the screen, tap the button with the hamburger symbol (three white lines)
Step 2. Touch the User Account buton (Konto użytkownika)
Step 3. Enter the pin code set during registration
Step 4. Click the Continue button (Kontynuuj)
Step 5. Touch the field in the Language section (Język)
Step 6. Select the language you want to set from the drop-down list. You can choose from: English, Suomi, Norsk, Polski, Svenska, Arabic
Step 7. Confirm the change with the Done button (Gotowe)

Potential problems that may occur at the stage of changing the application language:

Incorrect username or password.
Make sure that you have entered the correct e-mail address and pin code provided during registration. In case you think you have forgotten your pin code, please refer to the information provided here.
